jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


What it all comes to is: is man/woman depraved from birth? will any man or woman left from his/her birth without any rules or regulations tend to innate depravity?
The asnwer is:
Tonight I sat for dinner,I had vegetables and meat; I didn't pay any attention to what I was doing. I started with the veggies and until I finished them I didn't start with the meat. The reason is: man , when left alone (not to say other species) will do what's best for him and for the rest of the species.
When we become aware that we innately know the distiction between good...and that we innately tend towards good, we become aware that we are the source of the rules and regulations and not their target, and see them no longer as something alien or imposed on  us.
We become aware too, that rules and regulations are subject to the person submitting to them. A certain rule can be applied to a certain person at a given moment in his/her  life, given certain conditions ...in the same way that a food diet rule wouldn't be the same for a three month infant or for a person who has just mounted the Everest, or for someone who spends long hours under the sun...and many times these rules can be applied to the person only when the person complies, attending to the principle of innate knowledge.

Por eso el poder del Parlamento emana del p..ueblo. Porque el hombre o mujer instintivamente sabe lo que es bueno.

When someone has crossed the dessert, what does he/she ask for? Salted fish? Water, what's best for him/her.
Por eso desoir nuestra voz interna, es uno de los mayores pecados que podemos cometer, contra nosotros y contra..
Es un pecado también, en el sentido, de que si nos vemos como una de las manifestaciones del universo, llámalo D, llámalo, destino, llámalo biodiversidad, puedes llamarlo de cualquiera de las maneras que se te ocurra pluralidad etc... si consideramos que cada uno de nosotros es único e irrepetible, desoir nuestra voz interna puede ser un... una falta de consideración con el Universo, o incluso una falta de responsabilidad.
Los hindúes llaman a esta voz que cada uno está destinado a seguir de una forma especial. Nuestra obligación es ser nosotros mismos en cada momento. Podemos llamarlo auten..  o sin..ce... es igual o co..he...Podemos llamarlo código genético.

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